GHAUST getting solid, more tighter, heavy, atmospheric, unpredictable tempo and throw one song title ASCENDING. On another side, KELELAWAR MALAM pull a fine brutal horror metal punk tune that have a influence by old skool black metal and put a lots of metaphoric Eastern horror feeling, The song title CAHAYA ALTAR PERSEMBAHAN.
This split 7" comes in a nice jacket and great artwork. Random color vinyl. 300 copies done. CO-relasese with SLAP BET Records(Singapore), GRIEVE Records(Indonesia) & CACTUS Records(Malaysia)
PRICE : 80.000 Rupiah. ORDER to : soundofghaust@yahoo.com
For international order please contact :
- CACTUS RECORDS : cactusdistro@yahoo.com
- SLAP BET RECORDS : slapbetrecords@gmail.com
Untuk wilayah Jakarta, split 7" ini juga available di Grieve Record Store, Fatmawati 30.
+ To order, please send your personal data (name, address, mobile phone number), vinyl color and your order quantity to: soundofghaust@yahoo.com. Put "ORDER VINYL GHAUST" in the e-mail subject.
We will send you the order detail when we received your order inquiry.
+ Untuk melakukan pemesanan vinyl Ghaust ini, kirimkan detail pribadi anda (nama, alamat, nomor hp), barang yang ingin dipesan, warna vinyl dan jumlah barang yang dipesan, ke : soundofghaust@yahoo.com, dengan subjek "ORDER VINYL GHAUST".
Kami akan memberikan detail instruksi pemesanan kepada anda melalui e-mail.
Thank you and heavy new year 2012!!!